
Edwin Mugume received the BSc degree in electrical engineering from Makerere University (First Class Honors), Uganda in 2007 and the MSc degree in communication engineering (with Distinction) from The University of Manchester, UK in 2011. He completed his Ph.D. in electrical and electronic engineering from The University of Manchester, UK in 2016. His Ph.D. focused on energy efficient deployment strategies for future highly dense heterogeneous cellular networks. His research interests lie in developing deployment strategies for green heterogeneous cellular networks, 5G network technologies, energy harvesting strategies, and stochastic geometry approaches to wireless network analysis. He also has industry experience including radio frequency planning and optimization of mobile cellular networks.

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Edwin Mugume


2016 Ph.D., Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester

2011 MSc, Communication Engineering, The University of Manchester

2007 BSc, (Honors) Electrical Engineering, Makerere University

Media mentions

Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Afretec awards almost $1.7 million

13 grants, collectively led by researchers from all members of Afretec, have been awarded to make a positive impact on health, environment and sustainability, and energy in Africa.

CMU-Africa hosts LaTeX workshop

CMU-Africa's Edwin Mugume recently ran a workshop for students about the typesetting software LaTeX. The system is used for creating scientific documents and is the standard in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).