Carnegie Mellon University Africa moves to remote instruction

Staff Writer

Mar 17, 2020

Consistent with the communication issued by the Government of Rwanda, Carnegie Mellon University Africa (CMU-Africa) in consultation with the Ministry of Education is undertaking the following measures effective immediately.

CMU-Africa will be moving to remote instruction and distance learning on Wednesday, March 18th, which will continue through the end of the semester. The goal is to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19), while continuing to meet our educational objectives.

CMU-Africa will remain operational. However, no students will be allowed on campus, and non-essential staff will work remotely. All CMU-Africa events on or off campus, are suspended until further notice. We will continue to monitor the situation and specific guidance on these matters, including the annual graduation ceremony, will be communicated in due course.

We encourage CMU-Africa faculty, staff and students to follow the guidelines on health, hygiene and social distancing provided by:

If you have had close contact with a confirmed case or contact with someone currently being evaluated for COVID-19, immediately call the Rwanda Ministry of Health toll free number 114. Please also call this number for guidance if you are developing signs of respiratory infection (especially fever, cough and difficulty breathing).

Carnegie Mellon main campus and CMU-Africa will continue to provide regular updates via email as the situation evolves. Find continuously updated information on the university’s responses to COVID-19 virus outbreak.


For assistance in student services, please do not hesitate to email

For assistance with IT services, please do not hesitate to email the IT support team.

Get the most up-to-date information on Carnegie Mellon’s response to the coronavirus.


As CMU's locations move to remote instruction, Computing Services has provided technology guidance for attending classes, completing your coursework and accessing university resources from a remote location. See below for more details.