04-609   Advanced Academic Skills for Engineers II

Location: Africa

Units: 6

Semester Offered: Spring

Course description

This course aims to develop students’ range of academic skills to support them in their MS programs. The skills will include academic writing, summarizing texts, preparing and delivering presentations, and research and seminar skills.
This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis.

Learning objectives

The primary aim of this course is to increase students’ ability to communicate effectively in an English academic context by developing their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Its secondary, supporting aims are to enhance higher-order thinking aptitudes and independent learning.


By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the research process including developing research questions, locating and analyzing data, and correctly citing a broad range of academic sources. They will also be better able to think critically and innovatively in a wide range of situations. By emphasizing originality and academic integrity, the course will build students’ autonomy and confidence in their academic voice.

Content details

  • Technical writing skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Seminar discussion skills
  • Academic research
  • Literature review


04-608 Advanced Academic Skills for Engineers I

This is NOT for students taking 04-606 Academic Skills for Engineers I or 04-607 Academic Skills for Engineers II.


Kwan Lee